Our clients’ success stems from understanding the context of their communities. Research is the framework from which our strategy is built and provides clients with insight into how to connect, share information, and drive outcomes.

Our research work has guided the design and implementation of critical initiatives in healthcare, education, infrastructure, transportation, disaster recovery, and workforce development across the Gulf Coast Region, and across Texas.

Our reports provide clients with a roadmap to improve and refine programs and better meet community needs.

Preview a sample of our latest work below.


At Outreach Strategists,
we know how to listen

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We help you target the audiences appropriate to your goals, pinpoint effective approaches or interventions, and design the most effective strategic plan to meet your goals.

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Focus Groups

Whether it’s online or in person, we conduct individual interviews or focus groups.

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We use public opinion surveys to measure awareness, affinity, and the preferences of your audience, and to identify effective interventions to expand and improve your brand.

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Sentiment Analysis

We identify the sentiment of your brand through analysis of news coverage, social media activity, and other sources of public feedback.